Madhu Rajanna 5a66991bb3 rebase: update kubernetes to latest
updating the kubernetes release to the
latest in main go.mod

Signed-off-by: Madhu Rajanna <madhupr007@gmail.com>
2024-08-20 08:17:01 +00:00

299 lines
11 KiB

Copyright 2023 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package environment
import (
apiservercel "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/cel"
// Type defines the different types of CEL environments used in Kubernetes.
// CEL environments are used to compile and evaluate CEL expressions.
// Environments include:
// - Function libraries
// - Variables
// - Types (both core CEL types and Kubernetes types)
// - Other CEL environment and program options
type Type string
const (
// NewExpressions is used to validate new or modified expressions in
// requests that write expressions to API resources.
// This environment type is compatible with a specific Kubernetes
// major/minor version. To ensure safe rollback, this environment type
// may not include all the function libraries, variables, type declarations, and CEL
// language settings available in the StoredExpressions environment type.
// NewExpressions must be used to validate (parse, compile, type check)
// all new or modified CEL expressions before they are written to storage.
NewExpressions Type = "NewExpressions"
// StoredExpressions is used to compile and run CEL expressions that have been
// persisted to storage.
// This environment type is compatible with CEL expressions that have been
// persisted to storage by all known versions of Kubernetes. This is the most
// permissive environment available.
// StoredExpressions is appropriate for use with CEL expressions in
// configuration files.
StoredExpressions Type = "StoredExpressions"
// EnvSet manages the creation and extension of CEL environments. Each EnvSet contains
// both an NewExpressions and StoredExpressions environment. EnvSets are created
// and extended using VersionedOptions so that the EnvSet can prepare environments according
// to what options were introduced at which versions.
// Each EnvSet is given a compatibility version when it is created, and prepares the
// NewExpressions environment to be compatible with that version. The EnvSet also
// prepares StoredExpressions to be compatible with all known versions of Kubernetes.
type EnvSet struct {
// compatibilityVersion is the version that all configuration in
// the NewExpressions environment is compatible with.
compatibilityVersion *version.Version
// newExpressions is an environment containing only configuration
// in this EnvSet that is enabled at this compatibilityVersion.
newExpressions *cel.Env
// storedExpressions is an environment containing the latest configuration
// in this EnvSet.
storedExpressions *cel.Env
func newEnvSet(compatibilityVersion *version.Version, opts []VersionedOptions) (*EnvSet, error) {
base, err := cel.NewEnv()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
baseSet := EnvSet{compatibilityVersion: compatibilityVersion, newExpressions: base, storedExpressions: base}
return baseSet.Extend(opts...)
func mustNewEnvSet(ver *version.Version, opts []VersionedOptions) *EnvSet {
envSet, err := newEnvSet(ver, opts)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Default environment misconfigured: %v", err))
return envSet
// NewExpressionsEnv returns the NewExpressions environment Type for this EnvSet.
// See NewExpressions for details.
func (e *EnvSet) NewExpressionsEnv() *cel.Env {
return e.newExpressions
// StoredExpressionsEnv returns the StoredExpressions environment Type for this EnvSet.
// See StoredExpressions for details.
func (e *EnvSet) StoredExpressionsEnv() *cel.Env {
return e.storedExpressions
// Env returns the CEL environment for the given Type.
func (e *EnvSet) Env(envType Type) (*cel.Env, error) {
switch envType {
case NewExpressions:
return e.newExpressions, nil
case StoredExpressions:
return e.storedExpressions, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported environment type: %v", envType)
// VersionedOptions provides a set of CEL configuration options as well as the version the
// options were introduced and, optionally, the version the options were removed.
type VersionedOptions struct {
// IntroducedVersion is the version at which these options were introduced.
// The NewExpressions environment will only include options introduced at or before the
// compatibility version of the EnvSet.
// For example, to configure a CEL environment with an "object" variable bound to a
// resource kind, first create a DeclType from the groupVersionKind of the resource and then
// populate a VersionedOptions with the variable and the type:
// schema := schemaResolver.ResolveSchema(groupVersionKind)
// objectType := apiservercel.SchemaDeclType(schema, true)
// ...
// VersionOptions{
// IntroducedVersion: version.MajorMinor(1, 26),
// DeclTypes: []*apiservercel.DeclType{ objectType },
// EnvOptions: []cel.EnvOption{ cel.Variable("object", objectType.CelType()) },
// },
// To create an DeclType from a CRD, use a structural schema. For example:
// schema := structuralschema.NewStructural(crdJSONProps)
// objectType := apiservercel.SchemaDeclType(schema, true)
// Required.
IntroducedVersion *version.Version
// RemovedVersion is the version at which these options were removed.
// The NewExpressions environment will not include options removed at or before the
// compatibility version of the EnvSet.
// All option removals must be backward compatible; the removal must either be paired
// with a compatible replacement introduced at the same version, or the removal must be non-breaking.
// The StoredExpressions environment will not include removed options.
// A function library may be upgraded by setting the RemovedVersion of the old library
// to the same value as the IntroducedVersion of the new library. The new library must
// be backward compatible with the old library.
// For example:
// VersionOptions{
// IntroducedVersion: version.MajorMinor(1, 26), RemovedVersion: version.MajorMinor(1, 27),
// EnvOptions: []cel.EnvOption{ libraries.Example(libraries.ExampleVersion(1)) },
// },
// VersionOptions{
// IntroducedVersion: version.MajorMinor(1, 27),
// EnvOptions: []EnvOptions{ libraries.Example(libraries.ExampleVersion(2)) },
// },
// Optional.
RemovedVersion *version.Version
// FeatureEnabled returns true if these options are enabled by feature gates,
// and returns false if these options are not enabled due to feature gates.
// This takes priority over IntroducedVersion / RemovedVersion for the NewExpressions environment.
// The StoredExpressions environment ignores this function.
// Optional.
FeatureEnabled func() bool
// EnvOptions provides CEL EnvOptions. This may be used to add a cel.Variable, a
// cel.Library, or to enable other CEL EnvOptions such as language settings.
// If an added cel.Variable has an OpenAPI type, the type must be included in DeclTypes.
EnvOptions []cel.EnvOption
// ProgramOptions provides CEL ProgramOptions. This may be used to set a cel.CostLimit,
// enable optimizations, and set other program level options that should be enabled
// for all programs using this environment.
ProgramOptions []cel.ProgramOption
// DeclTypes provides OpenAPI type declarations to register with the environment.
// If cel.Variables added to EnvOptions refer to a OpenAPI type, the type must be included in
// DeclTypes.
DeclTypes []*apiservercel.DeclType
// Extend returns an EnvSet based on this EnvSet but extended with given VersionedOptions.
// This EnvSet is not mutated.
// The returned EnvSet has the same compatibility version as the EnvSet that was extended.
// Extend is an expensive operation and each call to Extend that adds DeclTypes increases
// the depth of a chain of resolvers. For these reasons, calls to Extend should be kept
// to a minimum.
// Some best practices:
// - Minimize calls Extend when handling API requests. Where possible, call Extend
// when initializing components.
// - If an EnvSets returned by Extend can be used to compile multiple CEL programs,
// call Extend once and reuse the returned EnvSets.
// - Prefer a single call to Extend with a full list of VersionedOptions over
// making multiple calls to Extend.
func (e *EnvSet) Extend(options ...VersionedOptions) (*EnvSet, error) {
if len(options) > 0 {
newExprOpts, err := e.filterAndBuildOpts(e.newExpressions, e.compatibilityVersion, true, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := e.newExpressions.Extend(newExprOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
storedExprOpt, err := e.filterAndBuildOpts(e.storedExpressions, version.MajorMinor(math.MaxUint, math.MaxUint), false, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := e.storedExpressions.Extend(storedExprOpt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &EnvSet{compatibilityVersion: e.compatibilityVersion, newExpressions: p, storedExpressions: s}, nil
return e, nil
func (e *EnvSet) filterAndBuildOpts(base *cel.Env, compatVer *version.Version, honorFeatureGateEnablement bool, opts []VersionedOptions) (cel.EnvOption, error) {
var envOpts []cel.EnvOption
var progOpts []cel.ProgramOption
var declTypes []*apiservercel.DeclType
for _, opt := range opts {
var allowedByFeatureGate, allowedByVersion bool
if opt.FeatureEnabled != nil && honorFeatureGateEnablement {
// Feature-gate-enabled libraries must follow compatible default feature enablement.
// Enabling alpha features in their first release enables libraries the previous API server is unaware of.
allowedByFeatureGate = opt.FeatureEnabled()
if !allowedByFeatureGate {
if compatVer.AtLeast(opt.IntroducedVersion) && (opt.RemovedVersion == nil || compatVer.LessThan(opt.RemovedVersion)) {
allowedByVersion = true
if allowedByFeatureGate || allowedByVersion {
envOpts = append(envOpts, opt.EnvOptions...)
progOpts = append(progOpts, opt.ProgramOptions...)
declTypes = append(declTypes, opt.DeclTypes...)
if len(declTypes) > 0 {
provider := apiservercel.NewDeclTypeProvider(declTypes...)
if compatVer.AtLeast(version.MajorMinor(1, 31)) {
providerOpts, err := provider.EnvOptions(base.CELTypeProvider())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
envOpts = append(envOpts, providerOpts...)
combined := cel.Lib(&envLoader{
envOpts: envOpts,
progOpts: progOpts,
return combined, nil
type envLoader struct {
envOpts []cel.EnvOption
progOpts []cel.ProgramOption
func (e *envLoader) CompileOptions() []cel.EnvOption {
return e.envOpts
func (e *envLoader) ProgramOptions() []cel.ProgramOption {
return e.progOpts